Natural Child Birth

We are the only maternity and newborn care hospital which specializes in achieving Natural Birth for expecting mothers.

Our Natural Birth rates are approximately 92%, which is the highest across any other hospital in this area

We prefer natural birth. Why ?

We recognize that every mother’s needs in labor completely unique to herself and her pregnancy. Therefore the support during pregnancy and labor that you receive is tailor-made to suit your needs, your concerns and preferences.

We welcome your husband/partner/family to support you during labor.

• Labor is Often Shorter

• Breastfeeding is Facilitated
Research shows babies born through natural childbirth are more alert and show more interest in breastfeeding once delivered.

• Natural Childbirth is Often Healthier for Mom and Baby

• Easier on Recovery
Women who planned natural childbirths often feel great for a short while after delivering their babies. Because no numbing drugs were used, and no tubes or needles were stuck into their body parts, naturally moms can get up shortly after labor if they desire, and walk around or take a shower

• Less Risks

• Doctors can have more control

• Greater Connection to the Experience
Many women report satisfaction with their giving natural birth experience when they are alert for their first out-of-womb contact with their baby.

• Natural Childbirth is Empowering
Our mission is to encourage each woman giving birth naturally to make informed decisions and to stimulate open, honest discourse to improve outcomes for the families we serve.

Normal delivery after first cesarean

A significant number of our customers choose us because we help mothers have a normal delivery after a previous cesarean or a VBAC.

Our VBAC rates are approximately 82%

Many women who have had a cesarean section (or C-section) with their first pregnancy are interested in a vaginal delivery for their second or later births. For years, women who'd had a C-section were encouraged to forego normal deliveries altogether and schedule C-sections for all future births.

But these days, a normal/vaginal birth after cesarean (or VBAC) is considered a safe option for many women and their babies. And, with a vaginal delivery, you can come home sooner and recover quicker. The reason for your first C-section, the type of incision made on your uterus, and other factors in your medical history will determine whether or not you can have a VBAC


Address: 204 KH /17 B Patankar colony, Station Road, Tarabai Park, Kolhapur 416003
Phone: 9325936607
Hours: Open 24 hours